Facebook privacy
Facebook finally gets it with new, simpler privacy controls
Facebook is the most popular site which has been using in all over the world since the year 2004 but in these days it has to face so many controversial comments and svere problems due to their weak privacy controls .So the company took it very serious, made many new changes and claimed in a press conference held on Thursday. During this conference company has admitted that there are some real gaps in privacy control as the company kept adding on new features. Mark Zuckerberg the CEO said that Facebook has revised all its offerings and made changes according to the feedback of the users.
Following are the new changed features of the Facebook:
· First and the most important change is that privacy change is applying to all existing as well as new stuff going forward with a simple one click to the Account menue and then the privacy settings through which users can easily make control on their contact information ,wall postings and pictures etc with respect to the options only friends ,friends of friends or everyone. More over if users want to customize their settings in more crystalline form they can do so.
· Facebook has added a separate and easy page for your directory information to let you know about the other facebook users. Through this page an individual can easily control the who can search for him/her on the site based options (friends, friends of friends or everyone) and also can control who can see his/her friend list, friend requests ,friend messages and information of his/her home town ,city and so on. Here is an important point to be noted that the facebook is not set certain settings by default regarding research of the friends because according to the CEO that the company thinks its important that the facebook users should be able to search for other facebook users by finding friends but if any particular user wants to hide his/her information from others ,he/she can do so.
· Facebook has made it much more easier to the users to control on its platform through which third party apps and websites can connect to your profile information, now user can turn off then all data related to you will be deleted and in case of adding new apps user will be able to choose the information to hand over and for this purpose screen displayed page has been changed now to fulfill the needs.
Inshort, as a regular user of the Facebook I would say that the new changes in settings are more simpler and can be more customized if i want. Now it can easily convince to many users that the new changes in privacy settings make them more secure and simple in use, ,just two clicks can work a lot. According to The Centre for Democracy and American Civil liberties union of California, CDT president Lislie Harris said that despite all rumors privacy is not dead but it comes up with a new and simple controls and policies.ACLU Technology and Civil Liberties Policy director Nicloe Ozer is hopeful for Facebook new policies and he ia also admitted that facebook will be learnt alot with the recent round of privacy problems and will keep its principles to overcome all the problems.
Zuckerberg said in the conference that company has learnt serious lesson from the recent situation and it listened the feedback of Lawmakers privacy lobby and users to make changes .Now Privacy guide and plans to show message at the tope of the users home page is present on the site to communicate the changes.
posted by talent kash